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Teacher resources

Our training equips mosque staff and individuals with key knowledge, skills and resources to allow you to deliver your own workshops, assemblies and mosque visits.

We value our teachers not only for their experience, knowledge and skills, but also for their enthusiasm :)

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Equilibria offers excellent resources for young children and teachers to learn about Islam and it's practices.

Equilibria offers excellent resources for young children and teachers to learn about Islam and it's practices.

Equilibria offers excellent resources for young children and teachers to learn about Islam and it's practices.

Video series

KS2 Virtual Mosque Visit: Features of a Mosque

Meet Hibba and Issa as they take you on a tour around their local mosque in Leeds.


Mosque Features:
Mihrab, Minbar, Wudhu area and the Musalla.


Video series

KS2 Virtual Mosque Visit: The Muslim Prayer

Listen to the full call to prayer, watch a demonstration of the wudhu and observe the Muslim prayer with Hibba and Issa.


Learn about the way Muslims pray in a mosque and why

What is wudhu and why is it important to Muslims?

Pause and Think Questions
To make this an interactive resource, Hibba and Issa ask questions at various points in the film. When they do, simply pause the video and allow some time for children to discuss. 


Printable Resources

Treasure Hunt

You will need to print off one copy of the Treasure Hunt as well as a class set of Treasure Hunt Pupil Sheets

How to use:

  1. Simply display the Treasure Hunt around the classroom

  2. Ask pupils to go around, reading the information and then answering the questions on their sheets

Although the questions are numbered, they can be answered in any order.


Printable Resources

Sketching a Mosque's features

How to use:

  1. Print one sheet per child.

  2. Stop the film at various points and allow pupils to sketch the features


Our resources are aimed at making learning fun, interactive and engaging.

Our resources

Book a Zoom meet & greet with one of our volunteers

Book a Zoom meet & greet

One of our Muslim volunteers will Meet and Greet you on zoom. This is an interactive session with some activities requiring participation from the children.

We will send you a zoom link for one of your chosen dates.

Mosque visits and exploring 3 faiths

Mosque visits and exploring 3 faiths

Pupils learn about features of a Mosque, observe congregational prayers, listen to the call to prayer and observe the wudhu (ablution) - and much more.


We work in collaboration with Christian, Jewish and Sikh faith leaders to organise a special day trip giving your students the opportunity to visit more than one place of worship in a day.

Exploring Islam, breaking barriers & building bridges 

Interactive and informative learning experiences.

Book a Zoom meet & greet with one of our volunteers

One of our Muslim volunteers will Meet and Greet you on zoom. This is an interactive session with some activities requiring participation from the children.

We will send you a zoom link for one of your chosen dates.

An interactive experience

One of our Muslim volunteers will Meet and Greet you on zoom. You can expect:

Interactive resources

Planned by qualified teachers

Q&A sessions

Book a Zoom meet & greet

This is an interactive session with some activities requiring participation from the children.

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